Where can we do teletherapy?
Thanks to PSYPACT® (Permit # 17398), an innovative initiative which allows psychologists to see clients across state lines, Dr. Adam Duberstein can work with clients who are located in the states and territories listed below.
Alabama Kansas New Hampshire Utah
Arizona Kentucky New Jersey Vermont (048.0135002TELE)
Arkansas Maine North Carolina Virginia
Colorado Maryland North Dakota Washington
Connecticut Massachusetts Ohio West Virginia
Delaware Michigan (6301019416) Oklahoma Wisconsin
Florida* (TPPY 2572) Minnesota Pennsylvania Wyoming
Georgia Mississippi Rhode Island Washington, DC
Idaho Missouri South Carolina Northern Mariana Islands
Illinois Nebraska Tennessee South Dakota
Indiana Nevada Texas
*To learn more about how my Florida telehealth license works, please visit: https://flhealthsource.gov/telehealth/
The states in which we can work together are highlighted in green. We can also work together in the District of Columbia and the Northern Mariana Islands, which are not pictured on the above-pictured map.